There are a large variety of skin resurfacing procedures available to you for the treatment of wrinkles, acne scars, and other skin blemishes. Although laser skin resurfacing procedures are widely popular, chemical peels have been used and trusted for decades. Skin resurfacing procedures are designed to remove layers of skin in order to force the skin to produce newer, younger skin cells. A chemical peel procedure can reduce signs of aging and skin damage on three different levels. The range of chemical peel intensities is from light to medium to deep.
Light Chemical Peels
There are different chemicals used for the different kinds and levels of chemical peels. They are formulated with certain kinds of acids or even dry ice. The least intense versions of these kinds of chemicals are used in light peels.
Our light peels are formulated to remove the topmost layer of skin. It’s the best level of chemical peel for treating fine lines, wrinkles, skin discolorations and blemishes that aren’t too deeply embedded into the skin. This is why pain relief is not needed. However, deeper levels of chemical peels might necessitate taking a sedative or painkiller. Light peels can be done to rejuvenate the skin before a big event.
Medium Chemical Peels
A medium chemical peel is done on a deeper level, removing skin cells from the topmost layer of skin, the epidermis. Skin cells from deeper layers of skin, the dermis, are removed as well. This makes for a more extensive level of treatment for deeper wrinkles and more significant scarring or skin blemishes. Because the level of treatment is deeper, the results often last much longer. Our customers are given a light oral sedative. The pain isn’t intense, but it can cause a stinging sensation that might last a while.
Deep Chemical Peels
Deep peels provide the most intensive treatment for skin blemishes and wrinkles. They remove skin cells from the epidermis as well as multiple layers of the dermis. This is usually sufficient for removing deeply embedded wrinkles, scars and even precancerous growths. Deep chemical peels can only be performed once due to the higher levels of acidity in the chemicals used.
If you have been taking certain acne medications you may need to consider another form of skin resurfacing. These kinds of medications contain isotretinoin, a chemical that might react negatively with the chemicals used for our peels. If you have a history of frequent and severe cold sores around the mouth, this treatment might not be for you.
Chemical peels at Biotech Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center are safe and effective ways to refresh your skin and improve your appearance. We are conveniently located in Aventura, FL. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!