If you have undergone a liposuction procedure, then you have likely experienced sagging skin post procedure that is a result of stretched skin from excess fat. Most of the time a tummy tuck is prescribed to tighten the skin by surgically removing a portion of it, leaving an unsightly scar behind.
Tummy tuck procedures can be invasive and stressful, as it is a very involved surgery that requires the physical removal of large portions of the skin. Rather than deal with another surgery after you have already undergone liposuction, you can now opt for a much safer and comfortable treatment option.
This treatment is called J-Plasma. J-Plasma is a minimally invasive procedure that uses subdermal cold plasma energy to instantly tighten and rejuvenate anywhere on the face and body.
How Does J-Plasma Work?
The better alternative to traditional tummy tucks and body sculpting treatments, the J-Plasma™ procedure has the ability to shrink and tighten loose skin without the use of potentially damaging incisions.
J-Plasma™ uses cold plasma energy applied under the skin to tighten, sculpt, and rejuvenate the stretched skin giving you natural looking results with minimal downtime and no complications of surgery.
J-Plasma is unique because the cold plasma energy applied under the skin creates instant skin contraction due to the skin cells to shrinking and tightening.
The J-Plasma treatment is done using a small cannula armed with a warm tip, which is inserted under the skin so that it can directly reach the fat cells. J-Plasma uses a gentle waveform to convert helium, an inert gas, into a cold atmospheric plasma. Helium is used because it can be converted to plasma with very little energy, and this energy is unique in its ability to provide tissue heating and cooling simultaneously.
The J-Plasma™ treatment takes about an hour per area treated, and patients should expect some initial tightness and mild soreness in the treated area. Discomfort is minimal and most patients are able to resume normal activities as early as one day after the procedure. J-Plasma can be used for:
Chin Tightening
Removing excess fat from the chin area can be dangerous, as there are many important arteries and organs that could potentially be damaged.
Any type of chin surgery is risky, which is why J-plasma is the perfect alternative if you are looking to tighten the skin around the area.
Ab Definition
J-plasma has the ability to craft 6 pack abs from skin that may have been damaged and stretched after a liposuction procedure.
The procedure is minimally invasive to the stomach and results in not only improved skin tightness, but overall improved skin health.
With this skin tightening treatments, you can shrink skin cells and tighten the appearance of abdominal muscles.
Midsection Tightening
Other parts of the body such as the hips, arms, back, and stomach area can be hard to tuck with standard procedures, as they are difficult areas of the body to operate on.
Since J-plasma does not involve such invasiveness, it can safely be used on any area, no matter how close to bone, arteries, or joints, without the potential for damage to occur.
This is innovative treatment for skin tightening in combination with our liposuction procedure is the best option available today to restore your figure without tummy tuck or any other invasive treatments.
Contact us today at Biotech Wellness Center to learn more.