Are you one of those people that have been wanting to pursue a facelift or other lifting procedure, but aren’t a big believer in harsh chemicals or unnatural treatments? Fat transfer Miami is the solution for you.
Through essentially the liposuction procedure, doctors are able to harvest the patient’s own fat, which can be used as a replacement to traditional dermal fillers which have been used for years to smooth out fine lines and plump up sagging cheeks, lips and eyes.
But(t) it doesn’t stop with the face, like a standard dermal filler. Fat transfer Miami can be applied to the butt as well, for additional volume, a simple life or a complete reshape.
How Does My Fat Help Lift and Nourish My Skin?
While fat cells often get a bad rap for what they do to our appearance, they are actually an essential part of our daily functionings. Fat cells carry around vital nutrients and growth factors which help to hydrate our skin and the fat tissue itself works to lift and support your skin to fight against the signs of gravity and general aging.
What’s also so great about utilizing fat, as opposed to a dermal filler or implant, is that it is natural and derived from the patient. This means that the fat insertion is going to take naturally within the patient’s body. It is also less likely to result in any side effect.
In this way, patients are not only able to receive great lifting results, but a secure and virtually risk-free treatment as well.
Natural Butt Lift and Reshape
Is your butt not filling out your jeans quite the same? Did you never really have a butt that looked as good in a bikini as you would have liked? Fat transfer gives us the complete capability to create the perfect bottom for patients looking to add some extra volume or strategically placed pockets of fat tissue to achieve that ideal shape.
Fat transfers, especially those following a liposuction operation, are not only natural and safe, but notably cheaper than dermal fillers.
So what do you have to lose? You could be glowing with a more youthful face or strutting around with a firmer and more formed bottom.
Whether you just want a more youthful look or you want to complete your sexy beach body, fat transfer is one of the most effective options in the Aventura and Miami.
How Does A Fat Transfer Work?
The option of moving your fat from one area of your body to another no longer seems so futuristic with new technology and techniques.
Fat is a combination of loose connective tissue and adipocytes, also known as adipose tissue. While it’s main function is to store energy, when we don’t burn that energy and continue to add to the fat storage, fat can accumulate in places that are not so desirable. It can be removed during liposuction and previously, this fat was discarded as waste but now, with improved techniques of fat transfer, that fat can be harvested and grafted elsewhere with greater success.
How Long Do the Results of the Fat Transfer Last?
Fat transfer generally requires three to four treatments to achieve lasting results.
To schedule your initial consultation to discuss liposuction or a fat transfer procedure, call our offices at (305) 809-7965 or fill out our online form to request an appointment today!